


Apocalypse Is an Action Game Starring Bruce Willis.


The end of the world approaches and only a Defendant and Nuclear Physician will be able to save humanity. The four knights of the Apocalypse approach and will attempt to fill earth with chaos. A game full of complicated action and sophistication. Bruce Willis is Trey Kincaid and he will have to destroy enemies, save himself and find solutions in order to finish what has already begun.

It is an excellent action game that will not disappoint science-fiction fans or the fans of bruce willis. The replication of his body and his face is exceptional. One would really believe that you are watching a film. The enemies are tough guys and the levels are more and more difficult as you progress through the game. You'll have to spend several hours before getting through the entire game by activision. The developers really did a beautiful job. The concept is an original one throughout the game.

The different choices you make determine the complexity of Apocalypse. The sound effects are explosive and you will blow up a lot of things in this game. The animation sequences are well done with a dynamic effect and although the framerate jumps a little from time to time, it's still rather smooth throughout.

Apocalypse is not right out of the original, but it remains a contender for several other big game names. Activision has aimed high once more and the fact that Bruce Willis participated in this game will assure this game much success. Action fans, this is a game for you to play !




Interest : 85 % 
Control : 80 %
Graphics : 90 %
Sound/Music : 90 %
Originality : 75 %

TOTAL : 84 %

Sébastien Théoret


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