Rally Cross 2



An Improvement On a Racing Game That Is Very Impressive !


The first Rally Cross wasn't more than mediocre. However, Rally Cross 2 has remade the history of obstacle racing. In this second version by 989 Studios, the gamer can expect a race sprinkled with Bosses and debris. Prepare for a long haul before you reach your destination.

Several good elements are found in Rally Cross 2. The menu offers several different modes of play unlike many other titles of this category. You can choose your car and six different tracks to race on. When racing the twisty roads, you are pitted against the icky sludge of mud, the hazard of water, and the difficulty of driving on sand. Rally Cross 2 is surely one of the better games of this kind offered by PlayStation.

There are a few things that will vex a player, however. First, if your car is driven wildly around the bends, your vehicle will flip. Also, when you hit things, the car remains intact, leaving realism aside. But, then again, you can't have everything in a video game. Still, I had my fill of Rally Cross 2 after just two hours, which is not as long a period of interest as I would have hoped to have experienced.

The problem with racing games of this type is that after you've won, you really don't have any challenge left. I strongly suggest that you rent this game instead of spending your hard-earned money for it. Then again, if you're the type that likes to speed and race, don't hesitate to pick it up.

989 Studios

Racing Simulation


Interest : 65 % 
Control : 60 %
Graphics : 80 %
Music : 60 %
Originality : 70 %

TOTAL : 68 %

Sébastien Théoret


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