Iggy's Reckin's Balls


This is An All-New Form of Racing Presented by Acclaim!


The Ch-Dama world is a quiet and calm place. However, when Iggy decides to organize races with his friends, the small quiet city becomes a dangerous place! Be prepared to be admitted to the clan of Iggy's Reckin Balls for an adventure completely out of the ordinary.

Acclaim has presented us with a new racing game with a very unique and versatile style. The levels become more and more difficult as you advance through the races. You must jump, destroy and rush on past the obstacles that will be in your way. Also, to increase your fun, you can play with several players simultaneously.

The graphics give a depth perspective that is very strange and unusual. Furthermore, the quick-paced racers offer stunning effects. The character of Iggy is well detailed, but I doubt that will be the reason why everyone will be out buying this game.

Acclaim is a company that did a LOT of cool original games for the Nintendo 64 console and Iggy is another example of their originality. On the other hand, if they had thrown in a few surprise elements, I think the game would have had a better overall result. Younger kids will enjoy both the gaming itself and its bright colors.





Interest : 60 % 
Manageability : 70 %
Graphics : 80 %
Music : 60 %
Originality : 80 %

TOTAL : 70 %





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