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Monday March 04, 2013


Keshe: Signing of the world peace treaty and World peace conference Update

By LadyDragon

MONTREAL--( EST, LadyDragon wrote -M.Keshe confirms that China, Italy, Netherlands, Germany and Bulgaria wants to sign the World Peace Treaty.

People please call your respective local representative and get your government involve as well in signing the World Peace Treaty.

M.Keshe latest inforemation on signing the World Peace Treaty.

Urgently need commitment for places around the world.

This can be held in places of worship, temples (let their leaders know what you need it for), town square, sport center any where which you think you can manage.

Ask your UN office if you can use their office's for such a glorious occasion.

Use office of your local council if they allow you.

Organise music and what people are happy with that they feel the change.

I am waiting for two world leaders to make their mind by this week, that if they will sign the peace treaty, and then we will announce their names and let the public know action of peace needs commitment of word and action of world leaders and not just sounds as pleasing and no action.

We have available for that day.

Belgium: The keshe Foundation center in Ninove. Open to all for signing the peace treaty all day on 21.4.2013.

Address to be published in Italy for celebration and signing

There will be signing day in the following countries where the Foundation has his offices and affiliations groups:






Add your town and city for that day if you are orgonising the peace treaty signing day.

Open your homes for welcoming the change and invite people in.

Soon we will release the design for badges and leaflets that say with logo of the keshe foundation

I am committed to world peace in action and word

I have signed the world peace treaty

what about you!

Translate it, print it and distribute it in your language and put it up in all places and on the net and social medias.

Those whom are blogers use the logo and the badge to insure it is seen.

We are here to make the change and soon we announce more actions.

We will release in the week 11.3.2013 an open letter in respect to causes of the war and need for peace.

This open letter will explain our position and why we are set to make the change.

M T Keshe

LadyDragon Radio Show: Pope, M. Keshe, Russian Meteor and Occupy Churches and more

LadyDragon talks about the arrest of the Pope , Harper and the Queen , plus M.Keshe Peace Treaty and more.

LadyDragon Radio Show: Message of the day plus a recap of the news for March 01, 2013

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