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Saturday November 17, 2012


Anonymous Message OpIsrael

MONTREAL--( 8.35 pm EST, LadyDragon wrote -Anonymous warning to the Israel goverment.


Breaking News - Tuesday 3.pmEST >Anonymous leaks personal information of 35,000 Israeli officials and "Their Friends"

Latest LadyDragon Article --->Monday 12.37amEST--Israel attacks again the Journalists in Gaza who are trying to report the truth

LadyDragon Article --->Monday 1.49amEST--Gaza under attack from Israel plus video of the attack of the press office

LadyDragon Article --->Sunday 5.13pmEST-- Anonymous leaks personal information of 5,000 Israeli officials

Latest news plus Interview with Harry Fear - Sunday 1.09pmEST > Gaza under attack from Israel Day 5 plus latest update from Harry

LadyDragon Article ---> IMPORTANT ----- 12.25pmEST > Gaza under attack from Israel

Greetings Citizens of the world, this is Anonymous.

It has come to our attention that the Israeli government has ignored repeated warnings about the abuse of human rights, shutting down the internet in Israel and mistreating its own citizens and those of its neighbouring countries.

November 2012 will be a month to remember for the Israeli defence forces and internet security forces.

We will strike any and all websites that we deem to be in Israeli Cyberspace in retaliation for the mistreating of people in Gaza and other areas.

Anonymous has been watching you, and you have received fair warning of our intent to seize control of your cyberspace in accordance with basic humanitarian rights of free speech and the right to live.

As of 9:00 AM Pacific Standard Time, the number of attacked Israeli websites is approximately 10,000.

The further assault on the people of Gaza, people of Palestine or any other group will be treated as a violation of the Anonymous Collectives intent to protect the people of the World.

Israel, it is in your best interest to cease and desist any further military action or your consequence will become worse with each passing hour.

This is a message from Anonymous Op Israel, Danger Hackers, Anonymous Special Operations and the Anonymous Collective of the entire planet.

We will treat each additional death as a personal attack on Anonymous and you will be dealt with swiftly and without warning.

Our hearts are with the women, children and families that are suffering at this very moment, as a direct result of the Israeli Governments misuse of its military.

Brothers and sisters of Anonymous, we urge you to protest the Israeli Government and any associated hostile forces. Now is the time for anonymous to help the people that are hurting.

Help the people that are being taken advantage of.

Help the ones that are dying and it will further the collective as a whole and we can help bring a peace within the Gaza region to those people that so desperately need it.

We call on the Anonymous Collective to hack, deface, docks, hijack, database leak, admin takeover, four oh four and DNS terminate the Israeli Cyberspace by any means necessary.

To the Israeli Government, Anonymous has grown tired of your bullying, and now you will see the result of your actions.

Cyber war has been declared on Israel cyber space and you will see exactly what we are capable of. Israel, the angel of death has been called to your cyberspace.

We are Anonymous.
We are legion.
Expect us and Respect us.

I, LadyDragon will continue around the clock reporting the truth on what is going on.

Please follow me for continue coverage;

LadyDragon is on Facebook plus for the latest breaking news please

LadyDragon will continue around the clock reporting the truth on what is going on.

Please follow LadyDragon for ongoing coverage;

LadyDragon is on Facebook plus for the latest breaking news please

Way more information coming every minute please stay tuned

About LadyDragon

LadyDragon is Internationally known in every single country of the world. existed before Google.

That is why when LadyDragon writes an article, it is picked up right away and put into Google News.

LadyDragon is always on the cutting edge of knowledge and write and speak in a very unique and direct way.

Even bringing you forbidden knowledge like the Secret Birth Certificate Bank Note

LadyDragon brings you powerful interviews like the one with Dalene Kurtis and Craig Lieberman from the Fast and Furious movie and the 2 exclusives with Joanie Laurer formerly know as Chyna from the WWF ( World Wrestling Federation).

Plus special report like being at the Playboy Mansion when Playboy unveiled their new video game

LadyDragon takes great pride in discovering new products, companies and people that are unknown and giving them a chance to be heard like the company Strategy First then was not known but now Strategy First is known as one of the best company in the world who develops strategy games.

Now LadyDragon is focusing on fighting for our freedom this is why LadyDragon open her second website

LadyDragon has a new website called Free Canada Movement 2012

On her new site FCM2012, everyone can go there everyday to educate themself about the true facts on what is going on in the world right now.

The world has we know now is run by criminels that will be remove very soon in a process that is called THE EVENT..

Since LadyDragon is already known for her stellar reputation and unique way to write and speak, she took upon herself to lead the way to educate the world about what is REALLY going on.

Even bringing you forbidden knowledge like the Secret Birth Certificate Bank Note




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